To: Jorge & Family

If you are a friend of the Santos family, please leave your comments and stories. And come back soon.

Jornalists:  Anonymous comments have been enabled to protect our friends, family and employers from journalist intrusions.  (And not because we are ashamed to be Jorge’s friends!)

Se é amigo da família Santos, partilhe os seus comentários e as suas histórias.  Volte sempre.

Jornalistas:  Autorizamos comentários anónimos para proteger as nossas famílias e os nossos amigos dos jornalistas.  (Não reflecte, de maneira alguma, qualquer vergonha em sermos amigos do Jorge!)

29 Responses to “To: Jorge & Family”
  1. Anonymous says:

    Copied from comments, 30/9/2011 00:32

    “Concordo com Valter plenamente,ainda mais cinhecendo o Sr. Jorge como eu conheci!Eu conheço o Sr.Jorge a 1 ano,trabalhamos juntos e ele é simplesmente,independente do que fez no passado,um homem,tranquilo,trabalhador,honesto,amigo,e alem de tudo,tenho a certeza que se arrependeu a anos destes crimes,conheço a esposa dele,são pessoas muito simples e verdadeiras,quem nunca fez asneira que atire a primeira pedra,o importante é que se arrependeu de coração,e pediu perdão a Deus!!!o resto é conversa….”

    “I completely agree with Valter, even more so knowing Jorge the way I do! I’ve known Mr. Jorge for a year, we work together and he is simply, independent of what he did in the past, a tranquil man, hard working, honest, a friend and, above all, I am certain that he repented many years ago for these crimes. Knowing his wife, they are very simple and sincere people. Whoever has not failed, let them cast the first stone. What is important is that he is sorry from his heart and has asked God for forgiveness!!! The rest is just talk…”

  2. Anonymous says:

    Like the first commentator, I am confident that Jorge Santos is repentant, and a totally different man from George Wright, whose name he legally abandoned as part of asylum granted by Guiné Bissau over 30 years ago.

    If Portuguese law eventually rules that Jorge should continue his sentence, then so be it. We must all respect the law; I’m sure Jorge would also agree with that. But, in equal measure, nothing can change the fact that Jorge has been a caring friend to my family.

    Jorge, we know you are “a new creature” and that your heart breaks for what you did so many years ago. We love you and your family. Thank you for welcoming us (and many others) into your home… and for all you’ve done for us these past four years.

  3. Jordan Kleber says:

    I have worked with Jorge regularly on a variety of volunteer projects since meeting him in 2006 and not only has he been a dedicated, reliable volunteer, he has also been a trustworthy, faithful friend. I believe Jorge would do anything for me or for my family if I were in trouble if it were within his power to help, so I feel compelled to do the same for him.

  4. Marty Uhler says:

    I’m writing this letter because I am concerned for my friend Jorge Santos. I understand now that he was formally known as George Wright. My family and I moved to Portugal in January of 1997. We worked with Christian Associates International starting Riverside International Church, Christians Surfers Portugal, and Lisboa Matrix until 2010 when we moved back to California. We have known George and his family since 1999. We met when they started attending Riverside, which was meeting at that time in Carcavelos, Portugal. I was one of the pastors at Riverside.

    I know Jorge to be a hard worker, an honest man and a devoted husband and father. I have watched Jorge’s life change dramatically over the years. When I first met him he was pretty rough around the edges. But not long after meeting him I saw his life begin to change.

    Since 1999 Jorge has been in close community with others in the church. He and Rosario, his wife, went through an Alpha Course which introduces people to Jesus and Christianity. After that course ended they continued to be a part of small prayer groups where people share and pray together about their joys and struggles. As a result many people know George on a personal basis. We know George to be a good family man who loves his wife and kids. He is well loved in the community.

    Over the last several years Jorge has also been involved with “Serve The City” projects that our church has organized. Jorge has been one of the primary participants in renovating the orphanages that we work with, Casa Sol in Lisbon and Aldeia SOS in Bicesse. Even though Jorge and his family struggled financially all the years we have known them, he gave generously of his time to causes like this.

    I realize that Justice demands that we pay for the wrongs we have done. But I hope there is some mercy and grace for a man whose life has dramatically changed and who has given hope and life back to many people.

    Martin R. Uhler
    Pastor with Christian Associates International

  5. Maria da Paz Costa says:

    Querido Jorge,
    Em primeiro lugar quero que saibas que tem sido e continuará a ser, um enorme prazer ter-te como AMIGO!
    As notícias são realmente chocantes! Mas para mim é também alegremente chocante ver a enorme transformação que Deus fez na tua vida! Sou testemunha de quem tens sido ao longo dos últimos 9 anos: Um Amigo fiel e presente! Um pai carinhoso, sempre presente e Paciente! Um marido fantástico! Um Cristão devoto!
    Juntos partilhámos muitos momentos: trabalhámos lado-a-lado nas recuperações de orfanatos; aos Domingos na Igreja arrumar cadeiras, mesas, fazer café, limpar, etc. sempre foste o primeiro a estar disponível. Apesar dos teus 68 anos, sempre que alguém precisa, és o primeiro a se oferecer para ajudar em TUDO!
    Sem dúvida, que já provaste que és uma pessoa completamente diferente daquela de há mais de 40 anos atrás!
    Salmo 145:14 diz: “O SENHOR sustenta a todos os que caem, e levanta a todos os abatidos.”
    Jorge e Família estou convosco para tudo o que precisarem!
    Maria da Paz Costa

    • TRANSLATION: Dear Jorge – First, I want you to know that it has been and it will continue to be a great pleasure to have you as my FRIEND!

      The news is truly shocking! But for me it is also joyfully shocking to see the incredible tranformation that God has made in your life! I am a witness to who you have been for the past 9 years: a faithful and present Friend! A caring parent, patient and available! A devoted husband! A dedicated Christian!

      Together we have shared many moments: we worked side-by-side repairing orphanges; on Sundays at church we put away tables and chairs, made coffee, cleaned up, etc. You were always the first to make yourself available. In spite of your 68 years, whenever anyone needs anything, you are the first to offer yourself to help in ANY WAY!

      Without a doubt, you have already proven that you are a completely different person than you were 40 years ago.

      Psalms 145:14 says: “The LORD upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are beaten down.”

      Jorge and family, I am here for you for whatever you need!

  6. Néné says:

    My family and I arrived from South Africa in 1993, I soon joined Riverside Christian Church where I met the Santos family and the pastors and friends who now leave a testimony in this blog. If Jorge committed the crimes he is now in prison for, God through the church and his friends changed this man to the Jorge we know today. I attended the Alpha Course with Jorge and his wife, and we became friends. I know Jorge as a hard working man who never gave up when things went wrong, and never said no to a request for help. He grabbed any odd job that was offered to him to provide for his family. Has he paid his dues? I don´t know, but I believe in God´s law more than I believe in man´s law. My prayers go to Rosario, Marco and Sara who are now in so much suffering. I hope faith never leaves them. Their friends are here and offering the support they might need. Um abraço, Celia

  7. Patricia Manhães says:

    Querido Jorge,
    Você é hoje (ou melhor já a alguns anos) uma nova pessoa pois Cristo vive em você e é isso que nós vemos, um amigo, um companheiro, um pai, um marido, um cristão. Esses dias devem estar sendo difícil, mas eu creio num Deus que está com você em todos os momentos e Ele é quem te sustentará.
    Ele te ama de mais, você sabe disto, e nós, a sua família em Cristo, temos orgulho do homem que você é e do que Deus fez em sua vida.
    Deus nos dá o perdão mas as consequências temos que assumir e nós oramos para que você possa “zerar” e sair mais forte ainda desta “tempestade”.

    Querida Rosário, não deixe o seu coração se abater. Deus opera milagres e a prova disto está ao seu lado. Ele disse que teríamos aflições, essa é mais uma, mas tende bom ânimo pois Ele já venceu tudo por nós. Oramos por vocês.

    No amor de Cristo,

    • TRANSLATION: Dear Jorge, you are today (or, better yet, you have been for years) a new person because Christ lives in you and that is what we see, a friend, a companion, a father, a husband. These days must have been difficult but I believe in a God who is with you in every moment and He will sustain you. He loves you so much, you know that, and we, your family in Christ, are proud of the man you are and what God has done in your life.

      God forgives us but we must assume the consequences and we pray that you can “reset” and come out even stronger from this storm.

      Dear Rosário, don’t let your spirits fail. God works miracles and proof of this is at your side. He said we would have afflictions, this is yet another, but have hope because He has already won all for us. We are praying for you all.

  8. FLV says:

    Jorge, obrigado pelo teu companheirismo, por ensinares a palavra do Senhor aos meus filhos e por teres tomado conta deles dia 16 de Setembro 2011, para eu e o Joe termos aquela noite especial :). Deus e grande e tu es mais um exemplo dos milagres que Ele pode fazer numa pessoa! Os miudos gostam muito de ti e estao muito tristes. Adorava ver outro milagre acontecer e ter-te connosco outra vez o mais breve possivel.

    Rosario, nem sei o que te diga mulher! Talvez que tenho orado muito por voces e que estou aqui para o que precisarem. Tambem gosto muito de ti e nao mereces nada disto.

    Marco e Sara, contem connosco para o que necessitem.

    Muitos beijinhos, Filipa, Joe e miudos!

    • TRANSLATION: Jorge, thank you for your friendship, for teaching God’s word to my children and for caring for them on 16 Sept 2011 so that Joe and I could have a special evening together. God is big and you are just one more example of the miracles He can work in a person! Our kids love you and are very sad. I would love to see another miracle happen and have you with us again as soon as possible.

      Rosário, I don’t even know what to say! Perhaps just that I have prayed a lot for all of you and that I am here for whatever you may need. I love you, too; you don’t deserve any of this.

      Marco and Sara, count on us for whatever you may need.

  9. Jorge Santos é um exemplo de vida e de transformação radicalmente positiva, de comportamentos criminosos e ideais de revolta, para uma vida humilde, altruista e com ideiais de inspiração cristã. O George Edward Wright faz parte do passado. José Luís Jorge Santos é um homem nascido de novo, bom marido, bom pai, bom vizinho e bom amigo. Trabalhador e emprendedor, é conhecido pela sua simpatia e boa disposição.
    O amor que o une à sua mulher e aos seus filhos é a razão mais forte para este cidadão português não ser extraditado para os Estados Unidos. Deixem-no ficar cá que nós gostamos muito dele.

    • TRANSLATION: Jorge Santos exemplifies the radically positive transformed life, from criminal behaviours and rebellious ideas, to a humble, altruistic life, with Christ-like inspirations. George Edward Wright belongs to the past. José Luís Jorge Santos is a reborn man, good husband, good father, good neighbor, good friend. Hard-working and enterprising, he is known for his kindness and good humour.

      The love that binds him to his wife and their children is the strongest reason for this Portuguese citizen to not be extradited to the United States. Let him stay here, for we love him very much.

  10. Maria João Meireles says:

    Amigo, fiel, humilde, homem de familia, trabalhador, sempre o 1º voluntário, sempre bem disposto, gentil, honesto, simples, dedicado, grande coração, meu irmão em Cristo.
    É assim que te vejo.

    Rosário, Marco e Sara, que Deus vos dê muita força e console o vosso coração com muita esperança e fé.

    Disponibilizo-me para o fôr necessário e estiver ao meu alcance.

    Deus, nosso Pai, revelará a Sua Misericórdia e Fidelidade, como sempre!!

    É isto que oro todos os dias e é nisto que acredito.

    Um grande e sentido abraço,

    Maria João Meireles

    • TRANSLATION: Jorge – Friend, faithful, humble, family man, hardworking, always the first to volunteer, gentle, honest, simple, dedicated, huge heart, my brother in Christ.

      That is how I see you.

      Rosário, Marco, Sara, may God give you much strength and console your hearts with much hope and faith.

      I am available for whatever you need and is within my reach.

      God, our Father, will reveal his mercy and faithfulness, as always.

      This is what I pray everyday and this is what I believe.

      A huge and heartfelt hug,

  11. The Bordens says:

    Dear Jorge, Rosario, Marco and Sara,

    We send love and prayers. We know that the law must be respected but we pray that, within those laws, Portugal will allow you, Jorge, to remain in the country that has been your legal home for 20 years. We believe that you are a truly reformed man. We knew you, during the 6 years that we lived in Portugal, as a kind, humble, hard working man who was faithful to his wife and committed to his children. We believe that you have been rehabilitated by Faith, Hope and Love.

    Our prayers are with your whole family, as well as with the family of the victim in the States. Grace and peace to all.

  12. I am very happy for this blog. However, please note that the official extradition papers presented by USA authorities do not charge this man with manslaughter, but rather as an accomplice! Jorge Santos did not kill anyone! Journalists should look into it more closely and not play with facts!

    Another fact that many overlook, not paying careful attention to what they read, is that Jorge Santos walked away from the plane hijacking with a million dollars. Please note in those same news that all the money was returned to US authorities.

    The indisputable facts now on the table are that George Wright, having fled the radical left wing armed group, sought political asylum from Guinna-Bissau, where he started a new life, under a new and legal identity given him by Guinna-Bissau. He abandoned all violence and dedicated himself to the development of people, through sports and many other social causes. Having married a Portuguese lady, he thus acquired the Portuguese nationality, having two teenage children, also born in Portugal, being no longer George Wright but the new man and friend we all came to know, love and respect, JOSÉ LUIS JORGE DOS SANTOS, having lived freely amongst us for the last 25 years, not hiding from anybody. Here in Portugal he attended public events, has a Facebook page and a blog, and never run from being photographed alongside his friends. His sister from the US even visited him here in Portugal.

    He is not seeking to escape any debt he may still have to pay to society. His only cause is that he can serve any eventual sentence here in Portugal, as the legal and law abiding Portuguese citizen that he is, near his wife, children, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ!

    We love you Jorge! We need you!

  13. “Wright, then 19 and from East Orange and three others – Walter McGhee of Sylvan Avenue in Asbury Park, McGhee’s live-in girlfriend, Elizabeth Roswell, and Julio DeLeon of Munroe Avenue in Asbury Park – robbed Patterson at the station around 9:25 p.m. on Nov. 23, 1962.

    Wright, armed with a sawed-off .22-caliber rifle, and McGhee, armed with a .32-caliber pistol, were both wearing women’s pantyhose over their faces when they assaulted Patterson and fired at least one shot during the robbery.

    Patterson was shot once in the abdomen before the four got away with $70 in cash. Police later determined it was a shot from McGhee’s pistol that led to Patterson’s death”.

    • “McGhee was sentenced to life in prison. Wright, as one of the holdup men, was also charged with murder. He changed his plea from innocent to no defense to evade a jury trial that could have resulted in the death penalty, according to news accounts. Wright, at age 19, was sentenced to 15 to 30 years in prison…”

      And let us not forget that, in 1962, for an underprivileged black teenager, the US was far from being a racially-neutral place where one could defend oneself. The fact that George changed his plea from not-guilty to no-defense makes me wonder: How just and well-defended were his rights in this incident? Yes, US Justice must be served, but was it?

  14. Amiga says:

    Para quem ler o artigo da revisteca: O Jorge NUNCA matou niguém nem na Guiné , nem nos EUA. Na Guiné, ele apanhou o ladrão, deu-lhe uma sova e na manhã seguinte foi buscar a polícia para o levar para a prisão bem vivo e a andar pelo seu pé. Nos EUA , NÃo foi ele quem disparou contra o senhor da gasolineira. Aconselho a quem anda a dizer asneiras dessas, que se informe correctamente primeiro. Não fale só por sede de protagonismo. E ele nunca trabalhou para o Corpo da Paz nem sequer para a Embaixada. VERIFIQUEM OS FACTOS ANTES DE FALAR!!!!!!

    • TRANSLATION: To those who read the article in the revisteca (Sábado): Jorge NEVER killed anyone in Guiné, nor in the USA. In Guiné, he caught a thief, punched him and the following morning fetched the police to take the man to prison, alive and walking on his own two feet. In the USA, he wasn’t the one who shot the man at the gas station. I advise people who are saying such ridiculous things to get your facts straight. Also, he never worked for the Peace Corps nor for the Embassy. CHECK YOUR FACTS BEFORE OPENING YOUR MOUTHS!!!!!!

  15. My husband and I were recently remembering what fantastic hosts Jorge and Rosário are… the way they “light up” when opening their home to others. I was filled with hope that someday soon Jorge and Rosário will again be freely opening their home to the many who love them. Just wanted to share that memory here.

    Beijinhos to all. Keep the faith.. and sign the petitions!!/event.php?eid=157883637635071


    “The FBI says Wright became affiliated with an underground militant group, the Black Liberation Army, and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta Air Lines flight from Detroit to Miami — and on to Algeria… The group was taken in by Eldridge Cleaver, the American writer and activist, who had been permitted by Algeria’s Socialist government to open an office of the Black Panther Movement in that country in 1970, after the Algerian president at the time professed sympathy for what he viewed as worldwide liberation struggles. Algerian officials returned the plane and the money to the U.S. at the request of the American government, and briefly detained the hijackers before letting them stay… Wright and the other hijackers left Algeria in late 1972 or early 1973 and settled in France… But Wright left the group, and his associates were subsequently tracked down, arrested and convicted in Paris in 1976. The French government, however, refused to extradite them to the United States”

  17. Jude says:

    My Dear Friends Ro & George,

    My prayers and love in Christ goes out to you all and your family through these tough times. But I want you both to know that its important to keep the Faith, because our God is faithful. He is not a man that he should lie. The only person you have to answer to is the Lord Jesus Christ, because all man that walk this earth are sinners and not one of us are without sin. So be encourage and continue to keep your eyes on Jesus. You guys have been nothing more than wonderful to me and my family in our times of need and know that you know that will forever be grateful and thankful for meeting you all. Be blessed and let the Lord fight your battles. I love you both, Tell Marco and Sara I said Hello. The Jorge Santos I know is a loving family man, who loves people and who would give nothing to ensure that his fellow citizen is taken cared of and most of all the Jorge that I know loves Jesus! You guys are forever in my prayer.

  18. One more display of love and respect for Jorge Santos and his family:

    His friends from Guine-Bissau, where he trained the national basketball team (who lovingly call him “Jack”), people who were children when he worked with them and whom Jorge nurtured and helped develop also as men, are organizing a basketball tournament, here in Lisbon, to raise funds for his family… we are touched… and also for learning how many more lives our brother Jorge has touched, wherever he went, as a changed man.




    Next Sunday 23rd, 9:30-13:30 Basketbal Tournament organized by Friends from Guinea-Bissau to honor their long time coach, whom they have know from 20-30 years, both in Guinea-Bissau and also from helping them here in Portugal. Young people who have grown up to be men under Jorge’s example and support.

    Próximo Domingo, dia 23, das 9:30 às 13:30, Torneio de Basquetebol organizado pelos Amigos da Guiné-Bissau em homenagem ao seu treinador de longa data, com quem têm compartilhado experiências de vida desde há 20-30 anos. Jovens que cresceram como homens seguindo os exemplos do Jorge e contando sempre com o seu apoio.

    Não faltem! Vai ser uma Festa!
    Don´t be left out!

    (GPS 38.761515,-9.260514)

  21. Check out the shameful apologies “Rectificação” in Sábado magazine, admitting it was all lies!!!


    Na edição do passado dia 4 de Outubro foi publicado um artigo na secção Segurança onde se afirmava que José Luís Jorge dos Santos tinha matado a tido um assaltante em Bissau. A SÁBADO esclarece que tal informação não corresponde à verdade, nem quanto ao disparo, nem quanto ao óbito. Pelo lapso, pedimos desculpa ao próprio e à respectiva família, assim como aos leitores.

  22. Scott Lipton says:

    I’ve been with Mr. Jorge Santos very few times over the years, mostly because his son is one of my best friends. Every time I was with him and his family I was always at home and had one of those feelings you have when you know you are around very good people. I always had a great amount of respect for the way he seemed to take care of his family.

    After reading the story and the facts I think the real crime here would be to punish a good and respectable member of society and his family by sending him back to the US. One of the main reasons to lock someone up is to infer change upon their behavior. What more change could we want than a man who has brought up a beautiful family and given back graciously in many forms to the people he has encountered throughout the years. I think this would be a horror and maybe there can be an effort to draft a plea to US authorities for some kind of reflection on the matter.

    I wish my best to Jorge Santos and his family.

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